tment or surprise with an information provider you thought was trustworthy. Keep the baby, throw out the bath water. Remember no one is completely free of bias or agenda, but that does not mean they might not be right on occasion.You could be facing some kind of disappointment or surprise with an information provider you thought was trustworthy. Check the sources before you share or copy information from any source, even those you know and trust. Their motives may be just, but they are human too.You may be considering looking for a new charity to support, or for a new way to pay things forward. Do some careful screening and research your options before giving. Rather than choosing a major charity, see if you can find a way to give directly to the needy.You may find yourself with more time than money at some point soon. A little extra sleep, meditation time, or time spent in arts, craft or music would go a long way towards brightening your energy and resetting your inner dynamic. Spend your time on yourself. View Another Sign